Humble Beginnings

At the end of last year, a friend, my husband and I launched a new social enterprise: Samoa Institute of Sport.

In December last year, a friend, my husband and I started a new venture, a social enterprise: Samoa Institute of Sport.

Samoa's sporting talent is world renown. Its in our DNA. Being able to harness this sporting talent to provide more opportunities for our young people to thrive is at the core of what we're about.

I'll admit, it hasn't been easy. Actual fact its been (blimming) challenging!!! But I'm glad we're on this journey. Because despite the challenges, we've learned so much and more importantly we've had the privilege to support and mentor a great group of young women through our Netball Academy Program.

This year our Netball Academy has attracted over 60 young women from all walks of life here in Samoa. While the purpose of the academy is to prepare young netballers for the rigours of elite training, in all honesty, its about doing life together. We recognise that there are very few channels available for our young people to hear and receive positive encouragement. We make it our mission to do that...and we do that through sharing our faith.

At the heart of the Samoa Institute of Sport is our faith. We believe fundamentally that all talent is God given, and the conversations we have as a team is equally divided on technical skills and developing christian characteristics, reflecting on questions such as: How does God get glory through the way that I play this sport?

Its been a new beginning and an enriching one at that. 

Most of all, I'm forever grateful for the people who have joined our team. Those who share a vision of creating brighter futures for our young men and women living in Samoa. 



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